I can’t remember how I stumbled upon this but I was messing around with some WHOIS searches and discovered that Hillary Clinton has prepared herself for a possible presidential campaign in 2008. Although Hillary has publically stated that she is focusing on her senate re-election bid and not thinking of a presidential bid, she has secured the domain hillaryin2008.com.
The whois contact information on hillaryin2008.com is exactly the same as the whois contact for her current official domain hillaryclinton.com:
SIMMS, NOEL nsimms@cmdinet.com
4711 36TH ST N
ARLINGTON, VA 22207-4302
703 536 1719 fax: 123 123 1234
They’ve even covered the negative “Hillary Sucks” angle by securing hillarysucks.com
Today Todd wrote an excellent piece on website value and since I’ve been spending a great deal of time and money lately trying to aquire older sites purely for their Google juice I thought I could share my crude algorithm for scoring domains based purely on their “oldness” and linkage.
This won’t tell you what you should pay for a domain but if you write code to hunt down potential buys it will help you sort through a large list and find the cream of the crop:
if pagerank == 0
score = 0
score = backLinkCount
score = score + eduCount * 50
score = score + govCount * 50
score = score + milCount * 50
if domain is more than one year old
score = score * 5 * yearsOld
if domain is older than 2003 (my estimate for sandbox birth)
score = score * 10
Crawl through your list of domains of interest, calculate the score, sort by score descending, and start buying!