
Archive for August, 2005

Using the Treo 650 for Internet Connection via Bluetooth DUN

August 15th, 2005 Tony 40 comments

After many hours of struggling with various issues I’m finally able to get an internet connection on my laptop by connecting to the Treo 650 through bluetooth dial-up networking (AKA – BT DUN).

laptop connected to cingular via bluetooth

The first issue that you’ll encounter is that Cingular (along with Sprint) has manually disabled BT DUN on the Treo 650. However, they very recently release a firmware upgrade that does unlock the feature. WARNING : This firmware upgrade is for Cingular only and it will destroy any data or apps you have on the phone so be sure to backup first. Once I installed the new firmware, sure enough the dial-up networking feature appeared:

bluetooth dial-up networking enabled after firmware upgrade

The next issue I encountered was with my USB bluetooth adapter. D-Link’s installer is not quick enough and its impossible to avoid the Windows XP driver from taking over the device and the XP driver is uncapable of properly managing DUN. So you need to delete the Windows hardware and manually select the D-Link driver.

Once you have the bluetooth device sorted out you must pair the phone with the laptop. If all is successful you should then be able to right-click on your bluetooth icon in the system tray, choose ‘Quick Connect’, then ‘Dial-up Networking’, and finally your device.

The hardest part of all was finding the correct settings for Cingular as there are many people out there reporting many different settings that didn’t work for me. I finally landed on the following beautiful settings through trial and error and it works flawlessly for me:

Password: CINGULAR1
Phone Number: *99***1#

Some folks have also mentioned that you must set an initialization command string but mine seems to work without it.

When connected I’m getting about 100kbps downstream and 30kbps upstream via the Cingular EDGE GPRS. Not too bad! Just make sure you have paid for the unlimited data plan or else you’ll be getting a hefty bill next month.

connected to internet via BT


Categories: Smartphones Tags:

Windows Mobile on the Rumored Treo 670

August 10th, 2005 Tony No comments

There were rumors last week that Palm had created a new model known as the Treo 670 that actually runs Windows Mobile. Many were skeptical as there were only images for proof that could have been doctored.

treo 670

Well, now it looks like it might actually be for real as engadget now has videos of the phone running the Windows OS.

I want they! I want they!

Categories: Smartphones Tags: