Here is a great story of Ruby on Rails being used for a great non-profit fundraiser idea that I can’t wait to buy into. This Christmas I was truly unhappy with the amount of gifts that flooded our family’s lives. Its just become too much and I feel like Heather and I need to take the lead by giving something truly meaningful like a half a day of a cancer researcher’s time, buy a week of landmine detection for a mere $55, or displace cocaine farms in Columbia by subsidizing coffee bean farms.
Well Bruce is fortunate enough to have an opportunity to build this with Rails. And the results have been phenomenal:
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I just ran into these guys while stumbling upon sites and this has to be the best name of the year for a Ruby on Rails consulting firm.
You are going to need to type fast but I think you can do it in 4 minutes.
These are my notes on what worked for me on my Fedora core 6 with svn lib already installed by the package manager:
1. Create a Repository
svnadmin create /svnrepos
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It has been said so many times that scaffold generator is only useful for learning how Rails works and maybe for rapid prototyping and I certainly agree. But scaffold is one of the big things that really excited me when I first discovered Rails.
Why is Scaffold Generated Code Useless?
Actually I think the stubbed out functions in the controller as well as most of the views are already a great time saver but its really the generated list and show code that is useless:
< % for cat in @cats %>
< % for column in Cat.content_columns %>
< %=h cat.send( %> |
< % end %>
< % end %>
Iterating over columns means that I can do nothing but rip this out and explicitly write out each column so I can then change the look and feel to be consistent with my app. Also, what if I want to use div’s instead of tables? Rip it apart.
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