
Archive for July, 2007’s new tool is so good I kinda feel dirty :)

July 17th, 2007 tony 1 comment

I received a beta account to test’s competitive analysis tool dubbed “Search Analytics”. They should rename it to “Login to Your Competitor’s Web Stats” because the “Site Referrals” tool is exactly that.

For instance I have a site that competes with so I plugged it into the site referrals tool and it spits back a list of keywords sorted by click volume that for which receives organic traffic. Whoa! Thats kind of scary.

I’m off to London but will write more later on’s new tool that will leave you feeling dirty. :)

New columns not immediately available in migrations

July 4th, 2007 tony 4 comments

Sometimes you add a column to a table in a migration and then you want populate the new column with some data. Run your migration and while your column has been created in the database, your data does not populate. The problem is that those columns are not accessible via ActiveRecord and so you just need to tell it to update itself:

add_column :user, :favorite_beer, :string
User.reset_column_information  #<<<<<<<< Here is the ActiveRecord reload
tony = User.find_by_name "Tony Spencer"
tony.favorite_beer = "Terrapin Rye Pale Ale"
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