Home > Smartphones > Audiovox SMT 5600 SmartPhone from AT&T Wireless

Audiovox SMT 5600 SmartPhone from AT&T Wireless

November 5th, 2004 Tony Leave a comment Go to comments

I had to replace my phone recently and after much research I settled on the Audiovox SMT 5600. This phone is incredible. The processor is fast and the data comes in pretty fast from AT&T so surfing the web is truly an enjoyment. The browser handles plain HTML websites beautifully.

Audiovox SMT5600

The level of customization that comes with Windows Mobile 2003 is unlike anything I’ve experienced with a cell phone thus far. I even edited the standard homescreen from AT&T. I replaced the “mMode” links to URLs I actually care about (Google, raleighlist movie listings, Google news, and a personal links page).

Tony's Windows Mobile 2003 Homescreen

The only disappointment so far is that synchronizing contacts, email, and calendar via Bluetooth is nearly impossible. Microsoft ActiveSync does not support Bluetooth syncing but I was able to get it to work. You have to jump through a bunch of hoops to make ActiveSync use a Serial Cable for syncing and set the COM port of the serial cable to match the COM port for Bluetooth syncing on the phone. Once you are connected it works beautifully but as soon as you walk out of range the link is severed and it is difficult to get it connected again. I’ve given up and use the USB cable only for sync and moving files.

UPDATE ON BLUETOOTH SYNCING : New version of ActiveSync solves the problem!

Here is what raleighlist.org Chapel Hill movie listings looks like in the phone browser:

Chapel Hill Movies

Everything else I like/dislike about the SMT-5600:
* MSN Messanger is nice and fast
* The camera takes darn good pictures in the daytime
* The camera takes lousy pictures in the low light
* Windows Media 10 plays video and music as smooth as a PC
* I just bought a 512 MB miniSD for lots of storage
* Photo caller ID is handy
* Voice Dialing is much more accurate than the Samsung I used to have
* Camcorder takes pretty darn good videos for such a tiny device
* Sound quality when making calls is good
* Battery life is great
* Get the unlimited data for $25. The other plans are too small.
* Cell phone can be tethered to a laptop for a mobile internet connection
* No car charger is currently available
* Can receive and dial (voice dial) wirelessly with Bluetooth headset
* Some apps don’t have a quit option in the menu and they have to be killed in the Task Manager

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  1. Nate
    September 22nd, 2006 at 00:53 | #1

    My phone will not charge, any suggestions?

  2. Rick
    September 26th, 2006 at 07:43 | #2

    Both my son and I have Audiovox SMT 5600’s and they both are stuck on the Windows Mobile boot screen and will not go any farther. This happened to me once before, while under warranty, so I sent it back and got a refurbished one in it’s place. Trying to look through discussion threads it is unclear to me if I what I and my son are experiencing is common and if there is easy fix or not. Can someone please cast some light on what I might be facing and what troubleshooting steps I should go through? Thanks in advance for your help.

  3. V.
    September 29th, 2006 at 09:43 | #3

    So far I had both problems, the stuck-in-headset-mode and the headphone mode. Latter shows a headset symbol in the top status line. The first was fixable by cleaning the headphone jack which had collected some dust. The second made the phone unusable even with a headphone plugged in. The phone still detected the plug/unplug of the headset and switched between normal and headset mode, however, when calling the phone was completely silent. After some reading I finally did a hard reset of my phone and the problem seems to be gone (hopefully). There are supposedly two methods for hard reset: (1) hold both softkeys at power on until a screen asks for a hard reset or (2) in the Accessories menu choose “clear storage”. (1) didn’t work for me but (2) did. And better backup your photos and SMS beforehand (not like me). Hope that helps…

  4. jason
    October 4th, 2006 at 15:48 | #4

    Just got my SMT5600. How do I customize the home screen? I had FACADE for the trial period but I’m not sure it is worth the $15. Please help!

  5. Anonymous
    October 14th, 2006 at 22:36 | #5

    about the stuck on headset mode, you don’t need the reg fix, thats pointless. just stick the headset back in and SLOWLY pull it back out, if you do it just right it will recognize the break in connection.

    Now, I have a 2 gb miniSD that I just got, and I can’t seem to get it to play any of the files I transfer to it from my pc. It gives me an error and is extremely slow when trying to access the data. any help?

  6. Delilah
    October 17th, 2006 at 21:08 | #6

    I installed Goodlink on my 5600 phone and don’t want the service anymore! I tried uninstalling it, but it won’t go away. I can’t delete voicemails because when I hit 7 to delete, it brings up the Goodlink contacts.

    I want to do a reset on the phone, like Tim, to reset it to factory settings but haven’t had any luck in finding a method/process. Does anyone know the steps involved? Thanks!

  7. Alvin Lau
    November 15th, 2006 at 01:44 | #7

    I can’t copy into storage/application data/sounds either through ActiveSync or within the phone itself. Any suggestions?

  8. nick
    November 15th, 2006 at 18:56 | #8

    i jsut bought my smt5600, i would like to use my wireless router at home and work to use the internet. i do not want to pay for GPRS service when i don’t really need it. i’ve been tryign to make a new connection via ‘proxy’ so far to no success.. care to help me out?

  9. Allen
    December 25th, 2006 at 13:21 | #9


    WHoever has the program to reset the profile please send a copy to me at Allenchang_04@yahoo.com

  10. William
    January 15th, 2007 at 10:55 | #10


    My phone is also stuck on headphone mode if you sent the file it would mean a lot.

  11. Brent
    January 25th, 2007 at 19:12 | #11


    I have no problem adding ringtones to my phone. However, I am having trouble using that ringtone as an alarm.
    I tried to search my phone for the exsting alarm sounds but failed to find them.
    I tried putting the sounds in: Storage->Application Data->Sounds but when I scroll through my alarm sounds in the phone it does not find it.
    Do I have to do something in my phone for it to detect new alarm sounds? Or am I putting it in the wrong spot? Or is it even possible?


  12. This works
    February 15th, 2007 at 18:48 | #12

    When it happened to me I just changed the registry, using

    I went to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Profiles and there is a Registry
    Value of ActiveProfile. I changed that from Headset to Normal, exited out and
    then switched the device off and on again. It came back in Normal.

  13. Mark
    March 1st, 2007 at 16:50 | #13

    Please send me a copy of the Reset_Profile_REG.exe file at msabs@optonline.net. Thanks in advance !!

  14. Tonya
    March 2nd, 2007 at 21:00 | #14


    I was wondering if this phone had AOL instant messenger installed on it and if it doesn’t would I be able to download it to the phone.


  15. charlie
    March 21st, 2007 at 23:16 | #15

    Hey whats up man i just got a audiovox smt 5600 and wanna know how come everytime i plug in the USB wire that is connected to the audiovox to the computer nothing happens. I thought a REMOVABLE DISK or somthing suppose to pop up. How to you send music to your phone threw USB. And one more question why dont My BLue tooth work, i could receive but cant send nothing. Do they have a software that could solve this problem. Please help me out.

  16. Al Garcia
    April 2nd, 2007 at 10:21 | #16

    New problem? My ‘new messages’ notification icon disappeared from the Today Screen for unknown reasons. I’ve tried everything to include hard reset to get it back, but no luck. Is there a setting I’m not aware of that could have caused this? Anyone know how to get the icon back? Now unless I remember to periodically check for messages I never know I received any. Help please!

  17. Al Garcia
    April 2nd, 2007 at 10:21 | #17

    P.S. Yes, it’s a SMT 5600 that has the message icon problem.

  18. Sad
    May 10th, 2007 at 12:53 | #18

    Space Maker says the phone is 97% full, yet when i try to delete anything… it says there is nothing available to delete. How do I reclaim my space back? I don’t want to do a hard reset as I have quite a few contacts stored on the phone.

  19. ron
    May 29th, 2007 at 02:21 | #19

    can you please email me the headset fix program.


    ronappel1 [at] gmail [dot] com

  20. James Warren
    June 1st, 2007 at 11:45 | #20

    Please, I need this file. I am having the same problem, and can’t find the file anywhere.

  21. James Warren
    June 1st, 2007 at 11:47 | #21

    Could you please remove the previous message for me? I did not mean for my e-mail addy to be published on the net without a NOSPAM in it. Your software seems to have removed these characters automatically from my post :(

  22. Michael
    October 4th, 2007 at 10:50 | #22

    I have a Headset Profile stuck issue also could you send me the file Reset_Profile_REG.exe. bigmikes21@msn.com

  23. jeff
    October 15th, 2007 at 03:15 | #23

    Could I please have the fix as well? Thank you wlijeff at yahoo dot com

  24. Mickey
    October 18th, 2007 at 20:06 | #24

    I am also having the problem with the Proile sticking on Headset. Please email me Reset_Profile_REG.exe


  25. G
    November 26th, 2007 at 18:00 | #25

    please forward the Reset_Profile_REG.exe file to gshughes13 at hotmail dot com

  26. GSR
    November 26th, 2007 at 18:02 | #26

    please forward the hack to gshughes13 at hotmail dot com

  27. damon
    January 31st, 2008 at 14:04 | #27

    can someone send me the reset_profile_reg.exe file my audiovox is stuck in headset mode also. thanks

  28. Agustin
    February 24th, 2008 at 09:36 | #28

    can someone send me the reset_profile_reg.exe file my audiovox is stuck in headset mode also. thanks. willyws @ gmail dot com

  29. sheena
    April 10th, 2008 at 14:52 | #29

    could someone plz send me the reset profile at sbscsimh@yahoo.com

  30. raquel
    September 14th, 2008 at 23:35 | #30

    i have a problem with my SMT5600 phone it stuck on the homescreen and will not go any farther, i can’t open any menus. Whats seems to be the problem? Do i need Reset_Profile_Reg.com , please please help me out…..any suggestion would surely appreciate it! My e-mail ad: khy_924 @yahoo.com

  31. Harlan Pinder
    December 1st, 2008 at 23:32 | #31

    Please someone help me. I

  32. Harlan Pinder
    December 1st, 2008 at 23:39 | #32

    Please someone help me. I cant get my security password to unlock my phone and pressing the two soft keys and the power buttons dont work to reset it. What do I do?

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