Upgrading Apache with CPanel – PHP loses with cURL Setting
If CPanel WHM warns you that you need to upgrade Apache and you click the link ‘Click here to upgrade’ be forewarned that it recompiles PHP and does not remember any options you had previously chosen. So if you are currently using cURL and perform an Apache upgrade via CPanel you will find that PHP is no longer configured ‘–with-curl’.
Instead scroll down the left side to the ‘Software’ section and click ‘Update Apache’. On the following screen make sure the boxes for cURL, cURL SSL, and mcrypt are checked. I’ve found that leaving any of these unclicked results in PHP not compiling with cURL.
Categories: Code
I’ve been searching for this simple option instead of /scripts/easyapache. Thank you.
All of my scripts with curl have stopped working and I couldn’t figure it out!
I feel like saying “I love you” as well. But I won’t. I don’t want you to misinterpret the meaning. So a hearty THANKS! will have to do!
Great Post got me out of a huge jam!!!! noob that went to dedicated server also loves you