create a mysql user that can connect from anywhere to anything
Obviously this is a huge security mistake to create this on a production server but if you just want to be able to get to all databases on a remote server in your intranet its a necessity:
On the server:
Login as root: mysql -u root -p
Create user: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO myuser@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ’some_password’ WITH GRANT OPTION;
Now you can login from another machine
mysql -h -u myuser -p
Categories: Code
I’ve tried this command to make a new user, however I just got:
“Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)”
Then I think “ok, 0 rows, it seems I already built this user before”. However, it doesn’t works, the user isn’t created, therefore I cannot log-in the new user.