Home > Bobo Le Chat > Tabke takes a stab at SEO Book

Tabke takes a stab at SEO Book

From the impossible-to-link-to-a-single-entry blog:

There are guys and gals reading this right now, that are top 50 seo’s. There are also people you read every day as “experts” who couldn’t pass an SEO101 class. I know one seo who has written a successful book about SEO, who I am almost positive has never done any SEO but her/his blog.

Brett, this only further perpetuates your ignorance. You’ve lost touch with reality in the SEO world. I assure you Aaron is doing quite well with SEO.

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  1. Tony Spencer
    June 18th, 2006 at 10:43 | #1

    A friend tells me that Tabke says he was not referring to Aaron in this blog post so I apologize for my comments. Brett, you may want to let Aaron know that you weren’t referring to him and SEO Book as everyone including Aaron has assumed this is what you were talking about.