If you receive some errors such as the following when trying to import your mysql database dump you are most likely attempting to dump a database from a newer version of MySQL and import it into an older version:
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1′
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘DEFAULT CHARSET=utf-8′
Add the following parameter to your msyqldump statement:
This is mostly just a post for my recollection. To search all files and subdirectories recursively for a phrase:
grep -r -i somethingtosearchfor ./
After I learned that my Dell PowerEdge server only allowed two SATA drives in its large case I desperately needed a quick solution to get 400GB database back drive back online for daily backups. Some quick Googling revealed that there were very few options for an external SATA hard drive enclosure. So I went for the Cool Drives “External Sata hard Drive Case with USB 2.0 Mini Size with Built-In-Power Supply”

It seemed to be a pretty sleek option with a slim case and USB as well as SATA external inputs. Well after just one month of operating the drive the cooling fan began to make an unbearable amount of noise. I guess they are using the cheapy-cheap fans. So I contacted CoolDrives and they recommended that I return the product to the warehouse for repair under the return policy. This means that I’m without a backup drive for who knows how long and I’m guessing I’m just going to get the device back with a new cheap-cheap fan. I replied and asked if they could just point me in the direction of the fan I need for the drive enclosure and I will just replace it myself. Cool Drives support responded saying they couldn’t tell me that information. Crap! I don’t normally take the time to write poor reviews but this pushed my buttons.
If anyone knows where I can get a fan like this PLEASE let me know. I’m going crazy with this noise!