
Archive for September, 2005

Finally a Good PHP IDE : PhpED

September 14th, 2005 Tony 2 comments

Just this past weekend at the SEO Roadshow gathering in Edinburgh Scotland, Mike and I were discussing the lack of a good PHP IDE. To date I’ve only used the PHP plugin for Eclipse. If only there were a powerful editor that was written in native code for speed. I googled for Php IDE yesterday and discovered PhpED.


This php editor is beautifully designed and so intuitive that haven’t even glanced in the direction of the help menu. PhpED also includes a php function reference, a full function database client, a ssh client, and rapid deploy via SFTP. But certainly the best feature is its speed. It loads 5 times faster than Eclipse and there is never a delay in scrolling, opening windows, or loading php projects. We bought the license after just 30 minutes of using the trial version.

Categories: Code Tags:

FHM ’s Posh London Flat

September 7th, 2005 Tony No comments

The magazine FHM had a few of us over for dinner last night since advertises with them. These lucky guys have an amazing flat just for entertaining people that overlooks Parliment and Big Ben. Thanks FHM for the good food and the best view I’ve seen in London!

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Categories: Party Gaming Tags: