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Tips on Installing Gallery

January 6th, 2004 Tony Leave a comment Go to comments

I just finished installing the Sourceforge project Gallery. Here are some tips to save you a headache:

After running the configuration wizard it recommends you to run ’secure.sh’ to secure gallery. This script changes the permissions on:




I recommend not running this immediately as you will probably want/need to tweak the settings in setup/. If you did already run secure.sh and need to get back into the configuration wizard:

chmod 777 config.php

chmod 777 .htaccess

chmod 777 setup/

I tried several steps to install ImageMagick and this was the winner for me: Installation Guide

If Gallery complains “I can’t find ImageMagick at the location you provided” then you probably made the assumption that it wants the home directory (ex. /usr/local/ImageMagick-5.5.7). After some trial and error I found out that it actually wants the utilities directory (ex. /usr/local/ImageMagick-5.5.7/utilities)

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