Comments on: Junk SEO It's Just Links Wed, 14 Sep 2011 13:47:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tim Tim Mon, 09 May 2005 22:53:44 +0000 The problem is people don't want to know the real answer. Which is to produce highly relevant content which is of real value so people will link to it. They would rather invest far more effort and money in looking for "cheats" and "hacks" which will only get eliminated as Google tries to improve itself. This is a great article at Clicka by <a href="" rel="nofollow">Shari Thurow</a> The problem is people don’t want to know the real answer. Which is to produce highly relevant content which is of real value so people will link to it.

They would rather invest far more effort and money in looking for “cheats” and “hacks” which will only get eliminated as Google tries to improve itself. This is a great article at Clicka by Shari Thurow
